Allen’s IT’S TIME TO DANCE cater for Adult dancing only. Dancers range from early 50’s thru to late 70’s. Most are seasoned dancers but all are welcome.
Our dancers are very friendly – and so are we!! Come dance to great music at Carlisle on Thursday nights – New Vogue only
Newcomers and visitors from the country and other States etc are made very welcome by both Bev and Allen and the dancers themselves.
Allen and Beverley opened their own dance IT’S TIME TO DANCE in Carlisle in October 2014.
They run 5 Theme nights during the year, so get dressed upto suit the theme of the night and come dancing for some fun.
Allen and Beverley began dancing together in 1992 and had private lessons with Graham Thomas.
Danced many years at both the Embassy and Talk of the Town.
Joining the Armadale Dancing Club when the club moved to Roleystone and served on the Committee, Allen was Vice President in 2003/2004 and became
President of the Armadale Dance Club in April 2007 – April 2013.
For 10 yrs Allen was responsible for both the DJ duties and choosing the dance music for the Monday night dances
And regular revision/teaching sessions prior to the dance commencing for approx 7yrs.