Albany Leisure & Aquatic Centre

Albany Leisure & Aquatic Centre

Different areas of Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre can be hired or booked depending on the type of activity planned.

The aquatic facilities offer in-term swimming lessons, aqua group fitness classes, pool lane space, carnivals, birthday parties, the water slide and the inflatable all subject to availability. The pool area is user friendly with pool ramps, water wheelchair access, a pool hoist, hearing loop, six Acrod parking bays and is wheelchair, pram and bike friendly.

The Hockey turf is another asset managed through this booking process.

The Stadium area consists of 7 courts where a variety of sport and other recreational activities can take place. Some of these include badminton, basketball, indoor hockey, indoor soccer, netball, table tennis, tennis, roller skating and volleyball. Grandstand seating is available on some courts.

This area can and has been used for science fairs, senior’s games, ballroom dancing and other community events.

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